Wednesday 31 August 2011

Latest album immerses listener in another world

Immersion, the new album released by drum and bass band Pendulum proves silence makes the heart grow fonder as fans rave about the transition and pure professionalism in the latest work. Wintec intern reporter Rebecca Smith says the album is the creme de la creme after years of previous work
AFTER popular Aussie band Pendulum disappeared from the music scene in 2008 many said the band was over, until their latest album Immersion was released last year.
Albums before Immersion simply seem like mild stepping stones in comparison to the latest. The band has finally found its niche after a subtle confusion on the matter in previous albums such as In Silico.
Pendulum isn't a category of music you can engage in with everyday life sequences.
The music has been made for its passionate followers and mind-blasting live concerts. Their newest sound fully credits their experience, falling between a complex genre of dubstep/drum and bass.
Lead singles Watercolour and Witchcraft are essential tracks that identify and illustrate the change between albums but also sound diluted compared to the rest of the album's material. The pick of the tracks is the two-part, mid-record The Island.
Immersion's theme (a virtual reality) is simply genius. The music is otherworldly. The 15 electrifying tracks have the ability to take your mind on an illusional journey and this is what originates the work and adds to Pendulum's mysterious ways.

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