Sunday 4 September 2011

Rip It Up's New Chief

CHIEF: Leonie Hayden.
Since becoming the editor of iconic music magazine Rip It Up, Leonie Hayden said she is having a riot. Leonie spoke exclusively to the South Waikato News last week.

When were you appointed the editor of Rip it Up?

"I took over a full issue after Sirvere left, which meant six weeks of editor-less madness for my boss Nikki. Been in the hot seat three weeks now, so far so good (by which I mean I haven't burned anything down or called anyone a bad word)."

Why did you want to be editor of this mag?

"Free CDs? Rip It Up is an iconic title with incredible history and limitless potential. If you look at its punk, post-punk and new wave origins compared to where it is today - the evolution of the magazine has mirrored the evolution of popular music itself. Not just in terms of content, but how that content is shared and discovered - new technologies, new media. I'm in love with all of that - the history, the media, the process. I'm a pop culture dork, what can I say.

"I love the transfer of ideas; that constant and unstoppable tide of knowledge and information. To be the medium between the artists and writers, with both sides so stupidly passionate about music... its as good as being in Bananarama (which is what I wanted to be when I grew up)."

What do you bring to Rip it Up?

"I have no musical agenda, I have no hang-ups with what people perceive as cool. All good music, regardless of genre or whether or not I would listen to it, has a fundamental truth to it and I think I'm good at recognising that spark."

Your name is very familiar, you were the editor of Real Groove. Jessica van Dammen mentioned you once.

"I was the editor at The Groove Guide but we all worked very closely on both The Groove Guide and Real Groove magazine. Jessie and I had a very special designer/editor bond. She's the bomb diggity, as both a mate and a designer."

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